If you have ever lost a tooth, you might have more than just a gap between your teeth. If a lost tooth is not replaced, the bone in the jaw that supported the lost tooth starts to deteriorate. That’s because when you chew your food, there’s no more stimulation to the bone from the missing tooth’s chewing action. Over time,... read more »
When it comes to protecting your teeth, your first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities is tooth enamel, as it is the outermost covering that protects the more vulnerable dentin and tooth pulp below. Your enamel comes equipped for the job as the hardest substance in your body. However, because it doesn’t have living cells it can’t grow... read more »
When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
It can be difficult to maintain excellent oral health and a smile that you love if you have suffered extensive tooth loss following disease or trauma. We are pleased to provide partial and full dentures to help you have a beautiful smile following moderate or severe tooth loss. We are happy to help you arrange a visit with Dr. Michael... read more »
If you want a stunning and attractive smile, then you should consider cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry that specializes in treating tooth and oral tissue imperfections to improve the appearance of your smile. To tell you more about cosmetic dentistry in Abingdon, Virginia, our dentist, Dr. Michael Doty, would like to share these facts with you:... read more »
The development of a visible cavity that can be seen in your smile every time you open your mouth may call for the placement of a composite dental filling. In addition to affecting the cosmetic appearance of the tooth that has a cavity, untreated tooth decay can affect more and more of the tooth until the total structure is lost.... read more »
If you're unhappy with the way a tooth looks, or wish you drastically improve the protection it receives, consider a tooth prosthetic restoration in the form of a dental crown. Dental crowns are durable caps that go over the top of teeth to add protection for the tooth and prevent future damage from arising. Furthermore, dental crowns are customizable... read more »
As you probably have already guessed, smoking is bad for the body. But did you know that smoking is bad for the mouth? Well, it’s true. This is why our dentist, Dr. Michael Doty, encourages you to avoid smoking at all costs. Smoking can severely damage your teeth, gums, and smile in more ways than you might realize. Smoking can... read more »
Tooth sensitivity can be a serious pain . . . literally! But don't fret: a sore tooth doesn't have to be achy forever. There are a few lifestyle changes and things you can do at home to help the relief of your sore, hurting chompers. You can treat mild sensitivity with some products available from your grocery store. The most... read more »
Halloween is just around the corner, which means plenty of treats and sweets to satisfy your sweet tooth. However, don't be tricked by treats they can easily damage your teeth. Although sugar is well-known for the damage it can do to your teeth, there are other hazards to avoid this Halloween season as well. If you're not careful, your holiday... read more »