Making Your Smile Beautiful

How Often Should I See My Dentist?

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When it comes to planning your visits to our office, you should at plan to make an appointment to see Dr. Michael Doty at Abingdon Dental Arts in Abingdon, Virginia every six months. But keep in mind that this is not a hard and fast rule. While you should plan on seeing us for a cleaning and exam every six months, the doctor may suggest that you come in more often, depending on the condition of your mouth and teeth.

If you are experiencing a toothache, or suffering a trauma such as a damaged or lost tooth, you should contact us as soon as you can, however it is also a good idea to make an appointment to see us whenever you detect a change in your mouth. Even a small pain, sensitivity in your tooth, a change in the fit or your dentures or a change in the condition of your teeth and mouth are all signs you should contact us for an appointment. Those small things may be a indicators of a larger problem that needs to be addressed. For example, periodontal, or gum disease can affect other parts of your body. More and more, research is showing that dental problems can contribute to other health issues, such as your risk for stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

As you can see, oral health is connected to overall health much more than people know, so if you have experienced a change in your life recently, it may be time to come see us. If you are pregnant, have recently been diagnosed with a medical condition, or are starting a new medication, be sure to let us know.

Your child’s first visit to the dentist should be within six months after her first tooth appears, but before her first birthday.

Regular visits to our office for cleanings and exams will help spot small problems before they become big ones, and will certainly save you time and money in the long run. If it is time for you or a member of your family to have a cleaning and checkup, or if it has just been a while since you have been in to see us, call 276-628-6251 today to make an appointment.